Monday, July 19, 2010

Out Standing in the Field

It's no secret I love random!

I drove past this field above Swan Valley, Idaho and just had to stop to take a picture. There are no words of explanation really. Just a table, chair, and laundry basket in the middle of nowhere. Now there may be a thousand possibilities for why this is out standing in the field. And believe me, I'd love to hear your ideas, but in the end we'll never really know for sure. It makes me giggle, actually. I can't help but wonder if there's a camera nearby or some kids watching while hiding in the underbrush.
It reminds me of an evening I was driving through Bone, Idaho. I saw a wallet lying in the road with some obvious cash sticking out. I was just about to stop and retrieve it when the setting sun illuminated the fishing line strategically attached to the wallet. My eyes darted along the line only to see two guys plopped in old metal chairs leaning up against the wall of a hole-in-the-wall store (fishing pole in hand) just waiting to tug that line. The joy on their faces was unmistakable.
Life is such a delight! It never ceases to amaze me how creative some people get in living out their humor. A table in a freshly plowed field. A wallet tied to a string. A street sign for a road named "Why Worry Lane" where very few people will ever pass. (Back roads above Palisades, Idaho)

How can you not chuckle to yourself? It just makes the day a little brighter. So to all those randomly humorous people out there who will never know me by name - Thanks for making my day!

Saturday, July 03, 2010

Thirty Years!!!

They say time flies when you're having fun.
Perhaps that's why the last thirty years have flown by!

I've been holding hands with the same guy for thirty years.

Thirty years ago today I married my best friend. We were oh so young, and quite the doe-eyed optimists. We didn't know all that life had in store for us but we were absolutely sure we wanted to face it all together.

If someone had sat us down that morning and told us every joy and sorrow and trial and triumph we were going to face together I would have never believed it.

Life is certainly not dull.

Yet, today, I am still married to my best friend. I recognize this is an incredible blessing and gift. We still like each other's company best. We are still absolutely sure we want to face life together. How cool is that?

I am pleased to report that there has never been a day in the past 10,950 that have not included a shared laugh and our sharing the words, "I love you." I still get a kick out of the fact we have kissed over every state line we have crossed.

I absolutely love what we have created together. Our growing family is such a delight for us. They share our passions for God, nature, laughter, and each other's company.

Yep, it's a good life. I'm a happy wife. And I can't wait for the next thirty years.