Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Story@Home 2013

It's coming and I can't wait. Remember how last year I told you all about this awesome conference and how much it influenced me? I was honored to be a presenter during that conference, and this year I am again! However, this year is even better. Why, well for one, the conference is partnered with rootstech - thus expanding our outreach dramatically.
 See rootstech.org/stories and http://www.cherishbound.com/blog/storyathome/ for all of the delicious details! 

You'll also notice we have a wealth of excellent presenters and subjects all tailor made for you.

But I have a more personal and thus more personally exciting reason for saying this year is even better. This year I'm co-presenting with my daughter and co-author Taralyn Clark. 

I feel so blessed to have the opportunity to blend our insights and knowledge gained through our shared family life and our distinct professional interests.  We've come to realize there are some key things we've identified that every family should know in regards to being able to protect, strengthen, and heal the family. We're in the midst of creating a book based on the very things will be sharing at the conference.

It may sound heavy, but we promise, we're all about joy and laughter. Come to our Adapting to the New Normal presentation on Friday March 22nd and 3pm and find out for yourself.

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